Pacific Community Ventures and our convening partners on the Accelerating Impact Investing Initiative (AI3) project are excited to announce our latest publication: Financing Social Innovation: Analyzing Domestic Impact Investing Policy in the United States.
The AI3 project is a collaborative effort between Enterprise Community Partners, the Initiative for Responsible Investment, and InSight at Pacific Community Ventures to research, identify and educate impact investing market stakeholders on the best opportunities for strengthening impact investing in the United States through sound public policy.
Informed by our research over the past year and a half, Financing Social Innovation offers a view into the intersection of federal policy and impact investing in the U.S. It includes a look at both historic and present ways policy leverages private dollars for social and environmental impact, and offers a set of criteria for evaluating new impact investing policy proposals going forward.
From affordable housing to small businesses to investments in a sustainable environment, the paper is intended to spark discussion among impact investing practitioners and advocates about the best opportunities and most effective means for advancing sound policy. We’ve also developed a framework for identifying and prioritizing specific opportunities for reform, and laid out major opportunities such as ERISA reform and Pay For Success programs.
We encourage readers to send us their comments and questions on this latest piece of AI3 research, and to stay engaged in the conversation about the importance of effective policy in impact investing. Contact us at