Here at Pacific Community Ventures, we’ve seen firsthand though our work with small businesses that job creation alone is insufficient to create lasting economic change in underserved communities and for working people. We view the advancement of quality jobs as an important avenue to better support underserved communities and address rising income and wealth inequality across the U.S.
As part of our vision to make quality job creation the norm, we must equip small businesses with the practical tools and resources they need to offer higher quality jobs in a way that balances their business’ financial and operational needs with their employees’ interests. We’re committed to empowering small business owners to succeed – and believe a simple, practical quality jobs toolkit will help them to improve job quality for their workers, thereby reducing turnover, improving productivity and revenue, and boosting brand reputation.
In order to create a resource that meets your needs and serves as a true actionable guide, we need your input as a small business owner. We’ve crafted a short anonymous survey to better understand your current employee compensation, benefit, and engagement practices, pain points, and goals when it comes to providing quality jobs. This survey should only take a few minutes or less to complete. All of your responses will be kept private, and shared only in aggregate. Thank you in advance for your time!