Work for Warriors is a state and federally-funded, free, direct placement program within California. The intent of the initiative is aimed at reducing the unemployment rate among California Service Members in the Guard and Reserve by directly placing them into gainful fulltime employment. WFW is open to all currently serving National Guard and DoD Reserve personnel, Post 9/11
Veterans, as well as Spouses and Gold Star Families. If you’re outside of California, check out the U.S. Department of Labor’s site for hiring qualified Vets. They provide employers with assistance in finding qualified transitioning service members and veterans in your area, and also check out Swords to Ploughshares’ successful employment programs with a reputation of producing qualified veteran talent in all job sectors. Defy Ventures operate as a free search firm placing veterans in companies. They’ll take the job description, screen the candidates, and present them to you, the business owner. It’s a cool program and we think they can really help business owners build their teams and find talent without having to sort through piles of resumes.
Beyond Vets, we also recommend WhenPeopleWork. Employers registered with WhenPeopleWork consider an individual’s qualifications first, and not his or her past prison record. As a result, everyone benefits. Employers get loyal and hardworking individuals. Employees get a job that fulfills their potential. WhenPeopleWork provides a simple, fair, transparent and reliable process for employers and employees that matches potential candidates with jobs based on training, skills and experience. In that same vein is Second Chance, whose mission is to promote financial security for at-risk women and their dependents through comprehensive employment placement services. Their beneficiaries are the abused, the elderly, welfare recipients and other financially at-risk women who seek long-term employment. Dedicated workers all around!
There’s also a lot of great sites for finding diverse candidates. We suggest Hire Heroes, Diversity Jobs, Minority Professionals Network, Diversity Working, and Employ Diversity.
Here in the Bay Area:
- If you’re in Alameda County check out AC HIRE. Through the county program your small business can get access to a subsidized employment program if you hire eligible Alameda County job seekers, and in exchange they receive a 50% reimbursement of wages for up to 6 months. The only criteria is that the new job be for at least 20 hours a week and pay at or above minimum wage. Here’s a PDF of the program, where you get learn more.
- If you’re in San Jose, Work2Future and our friends at Business Owner Space provide business tools and hiring resources that can help your business succeed in a global economy.
- If you’re in San Francisco, Jobs Now! offers Bay Area businesses a wage reimbursement to incentivize the hiring of eligible San Francisco job seekers and to help them grow their business, and our friends at OEWD offer screening and hiring services for small businesses. There are also great local organizations like Mission Hiring Hall or Young Community Developers.
- And in California as a whole, the New Employment Credit is available to each qualified small business that hires a qualified full-time employee in a designated zip codes or economic development area.
According to the ACLU reducing barriers to employment and implementing fair hiring practices, companies can better provide employment opportunities to formerly incarcerated people to the benefit of all. When companies break down these barriers to employment and provide second chances, they can have a positive impact on the lives of individuals, the trajectory of families, on the health of their businesses, and on the growth of the American economy. The bottom line: doing good is good for business.
Know of any more resources to add? Contact us and let us know!