Another reason why the Bay Area rocks: we are the nation’s strongest job market during the year ending in July, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin region saw a 4.4% increase in total payroll jobs, while Santa Clara County saw a 3.5% increase. The East Bay isn’t pulling off the same numbers, but still saw a gain of 1.2% nonetheless, according to a report from California’s Employment Development Department.
Now that I’m in a statistics mood, I’d like to share the following stats that were very recently released by the SBA about small business (defined as firms with less than 500 employees).
- 27.9 million small businesses in the US
- 99.7% of the US employer firms
- 64% of the net new private sector jobs
- 49.2% of private sector employment
- 46% of private sector output
- 43% of high tech employment
- 98% of firms exporting goods
- 33% of exporting value
Have a great week!