Happy National Volunteer Month! We’re sending a huge THANK YOU to all of our volunteer PCV Advisors who make our on-the-ground work possible. PCV Advisors volunteer their time and expertise to work with small business owners to help them reach the next level. PCV Advisors come from a variety of fields and professional backgrounds to generously volunteer their time to help small businesses grow, which we all know is the foundation for a strong local economy.
Our matching tool at BusinessAdvising.org uses a sophisticated algorithm to match entrepreneurs with the perfect PCV Advisor for them. Advisors are assigned based on expertise, industry, personality and availability. The volunteers who work in our Business Advising program are creating true impact in their communities, providing game-changing technical support that leads to small business growth, job creation and economic opportunity in communities that need it most. Check out this case study video for a taste of what this kind of advising relationship is like:
We’ve done the math based on Taproot Foundation research, and our volunteer advisors are providing over $500,000 in pro-bono business consulting to PCV-advised entrepreneurs! Services that would normally cost a resource-constrained small business about $120 per hour only cost PCV-advised companies $99 for the entire advising relationship. Last year, businesses that got advice from a volunteer PCV Advisor saw a growth rate of 22% — that’s compared to a 2% national average in the same time period! This impact is possible because of the hardworking PCV Advisors that we’re lucky to have in our volunteer network.
So thank you again to our volunteers that create so much economic opportunity in vulnerable communities!
Are you interested volunteering your time and expertise as a PCV Advisor? Check out BusinessAdvising.org today!
– See more at: http://www.pacificcommunityventures.org/index.php/blog-and-news/national-volunteer-month/#sthash.G8tA38X9.dpuf