We’re thrilled to announce that our BusinessAdvising.org small business mentoring program is now serving small businesses in all 50 states. It’s been an amazing three years, bring small business mentoring from a regional program in San Francisco to every corner of America empowering small business owners to increase their competitiveness while at the same time creating quality jobs and stronger communities.
A major thank you to all the advisors who give their time and expertise in our program. With your support, we’ve grown the BusinessAdvising.org program to greater heights that have enabled us to empower small businesses in a plethora of industries and sizes across the country. None of this would be possible without you! We also want to thank our many partners and supporters, like Capital One, The Super Bowl, and Accion.
In 2016, the small businesses who worked with a pro bono advisor from BusinessAdvising.org saw their revenues grow 20% — three times more than similar companies. The companies in our network also created jobs at a rate of 23% — leaps and bounds above the 1.4% job creation rate for similarly-sized companies nationally. Even as our program continues to grow, we’re laser-focused on proving the best-in-class mentoring experience for our clients. Our average satisfaction score was 9 out of 10.
If you know a small business owner who could benefit from free expert advising, or someone who would make a great mentor, please send them our way!