Mary Bartnikowski

Palo Alto, CA|

Art/Entertainment, Professional Services, Experiences, For Adults, For Parents, For GrandparentsOver $200

Escape your home, have fun, and learn how to take remarkable photos with any camera. Do you struggle to take the right shot? The secret is this: light, angle, composition, and timing, not photoshop or a fancy camera. Join my premium hands-on 4-person only photography workshops in Italy, France, Mexico, and Hawaii.
Who am I? I’m an award winning photographer and author of 5 books. You’ll get the benefit of my 35-year business in Palo Alto and 12 years of world travel shooting, teaching, and writing. See my work here:
Book a call with me and discover all the details:
You can join us even if you’ve never picked up a camera before, all are welcome.