When designing any loan fund – but especially one charging no fees and 0% interest to borrowers – it is also critical to correctly price all the costs associated with the fund. Pillar 1: Capital Structuring, showcases how a creating place-based, restorative Fund is as much art as it is science.
Those who are closest to the problem are closest to the solution. Pillar 2: Community Engagement & Trust Based Outreach, showcases how a community-centered approach – enabled by deep partnerships with trusted, local community organizations – can ensure that capital investments are truly meeting the needs of historically underestimated communities.
Working in tandem with community partners, mapping and analytics are used to ensure place-based Funds are deployed in communities where they will have the highest impact. Beyond zip codes, we are visualizing neighborhood data to maximize loans to people and places who were historically excluded from the financial system.


PCV 2024 Good Jobs Journey Report
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