Pacific Community Ventures can help transform your company’s corporate social responsibility vision into direct impact through employee volunteerism and engagement programs with our inspiring small business entrepreneurs, brand and storytelling support for cause marketing teams, supplier diversity opportunities, corporate giving, and more.
The Small Business Support Circle is a rapidly growing coalition of companies and community organizations invested in the success and resilience of small businesses across the United States. With more businesses opening across communities everyday, members of the PCV Small Business Support Circle are driving tens of millions of dollars of free advice into the hands of job-creating small business owners by leveraging and scaling PCV’s unique platform to provide small businesses the support they need to thrive.
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PCV’s is the perfect complement for those invested in the success of small businesses. is a cost-effective plug-and-play solution for any company looking for:
- High-quality skills-based volunteering or employee engagement opportunities for your entire team
- Corporate social responsibility program support and data dashboards that show your contribution to communities
- Brand building through cause marketing, success stories, and real-world social impact
- Deepened relationships to your own small business clients by offering scalable support in any area of business need, such as marketing, finance, HR, operations, and sales
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Complement to Small Business Services
Working with companies and organizations like Ebay and Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, PCV provided mentoring to business owners in economically distressed areas, creating supportive relationships beyond the end of the short-term corporate-sponsored programs.
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Employee Engagment Tool
PCV has partnered with companies that create tools for small businesses, including Intuit and Google, to connect their employees with the small business community they serve.
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Social Responsibility
Invested in the success of small businesses, companies PayPal, and partnered with PCV to offer to their merchants, strengthening their brands as platforms that care about success for business owners.
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Many small business owners, particularly women and people of color, lack access to advisors and networks that could help their businesses thrive. This puts job-creating entrepreneurs at a disadvantage. Before COVID, 70% of small businesses with advisors were shown to survive at least 5 years—twice the rate of businesses without advisors. That need for expert advice has only been exacerbated by COVID, as many business owners need to pivot and adapt like never before. PCV’s is the perfect complement for those invested in the success of small businesses. Our platform gives your organization a turnkey solution to offer advising services to your small business clients, or supplement an existing mentorship program with targeted advising based on the specific challenges of your clients:
- A plug-and-play mentoring platform that your clients can access from anywhere
- Easily meet your clients' needs with the right advisor from a pool of thousands of active professionals
- Drive equity with our unique focus on women, people of color, veterans, and people with disabilities
- Uniform brand and client experience with a customized landing page for your program or organization
- Custom technical assistance reporting on client demographics, revenue growth, hiring, and social impact outcomes
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How It Works
Pacific Community Ventures is fighting the small business advice gap with our nationwide platform, Through scalable tech paired with dedicated Client Experience Managers, PCV matches entrepreneurs with pro bono experts on any challenge they have, such as customer acquisition, improving financial management practices, or increasing their digital presence. Because they meet virtually, entrepreneurs are matched safely with the best possible advisor for them, regardless of location. This is a tremendous advantage to busy entrepreneurs, as well as those in underserved or rural areas. Our average client receives 15 hours of free advising—worth more than $2,900 according to Taproot Foundation’s valuation of time donated by professionals. A multi-city pilot with a partner organization in 2018 showed that entrepreneurs who worked with PCV’s were twice as likely to create jobs, and had 14% higher average revenue growth than those that did not.
Founding Partners
[jj-ngg-image-list html_id="image_list" gallery="10" order="sortorder" gap="0"]Corporate Partners
[jj-ngg-image-list html_id="image_list" gallery="11" order="sortorder" gap="0"]Community Partners
[jj-ngg-image-list html_id="image_list" gallery="12" order="sortorder" gap="0"]When Gail Brown took over Brown-Kortkamp Realty she wanted to provide equitable options to residential and commercial property owners of color. See how Gail benefited from the unique partnership of Kaiser Permanente, Justine Petersen, and Pacific Community Ventures.
Gail Brown, Brown-Kortkamp Realty
St. Louis, MO
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